Board members present: Bob Meyers, Harlan Meints, Gordon Behm, Jim Teschendorf, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Diane Rivard, Brian Weseman, Milly Wheelr-Gertgren
President, Harlan Meints called the meeting to order-confirmed a quorum present. Guests present, county Commissioner, Harlan Madsen, and Margaret Johnson of MFCRWSD. Minutes of the 2015 annual meeting was read, moved to approve—Jim Teschendorf, 2nd by Gordn Behm, motion carried. Treasure report was approved by Gordon Behm and 2nd by Bob Merson. Diane reported that as of date the association has 248 paid members.
A small number of unpaid bills were paid with the largest of $6,536.36 for treatment in the N.E. bay for 15 acres to PLM. This amount will be reimbursed by MFCRWSD and the county’s AIS fund. Harlan recommended that the liability insurance for the board members be dropped. Diane moved to approve the bills, 2nd by Brian Weseman, motion carried.
New Business:
Pres. Meints welcomed the attendees and introduced the board of directors present.
County commissioner Madsen presented the following items
A. AIS grant money is available to lake associations
Kandiyohi Co. Rd#4: Relocation of aid road from U.S. hwy to Kandiyohi Co. Rd#10 is scheduled for 2018. Public hearing to take late in summer of 2017. Preliminary sketches are available.
The relocation will allow for a Diamond Lake setback, shoulders, public access with respect to the lake and county park.
A philosophical change to lake level controls is taking place, i.e., do only those things that work. Old methods don’t work.
Margaret Johnson—MFCRWS
The district operates on an annual $250,000 levy.
Diamond Lake is still impaired in accordance with state standards:
Water quality is driven by total phosphorus levels
Curley leaf pond leaf weed is present in 150 acres and 23% of the littoral area.
The Hubbard, Wheeler, Schultz chain of lakes contributes 80% of the phosphorus present in Diamond Lake. The drawdown of these lakes to eliminate the rough fish and allow for native vegetation re-emergence is projected to commence in Fall of 2017.
Diamond Lake web page and directories can by downloaded from their web site: or stop at the home of Harlan Meints, 14249 Breezy Point Road to pick up a copy.
Relection of officers: Gordon Behm, Millie Wheeler-Gertgen and Brian Weseman agreed to serve another 3 years. A motion by Ardell Marquardt, seconded, and approved by unanimous vote.
Jason George, a commercial harvester of carp presented info regarding his experience and regulations with respect to removal. The sieves with 5” mesh. It was moved and seconded to allow the board to gather more data, before expending money in this carp removal effort.
With respect to Ditch #28, re-evaluation is not on the current schedule and consequently no charges to be passed on to beneficiaries.
It was moved by Gordon Behm, seconded by Jerry Eberseller to move the annual meeting to the 3rd Saturday in June to avoid scheduling conflicts with the park. Motion approve.
Sewer grinder problem: Kandiyohi Electric Power has a downloadable app. To enable property owners to check daily usage of water flow to the grinder and operation themselves. More info to follow in the newsletter later.