Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Jennifer Davenport, Jon Hanson, Russ Johnson, Tom Sykora, Kathy Flaata, Kevin Gruenhagen, Dave Solbrack
Guests: Bill and Joan Schultz
Secretary's report was read and approved with one correction: April Minutes Re: Northern Stocking by DNR was done approximately mid-April 2001 not June 1.
Treasurer's Report was read and approved. Total $29,662.48. One CD comes due at the end of June 2001; Hanson will check into Money Market instead of CD.
Hanson reported 80 paid annual dues have been received. He also read several comments residents sent with dues, many very appreciative of the work the Board does for all the lake residents.
Hanson presented a bill from Baker Printing for envelopes for $111.83. MM & 2nd to pay.
He had also contacted Jeff Bredberg about the status of our grant but Bredberg had not returned his call or reimbursed the association for bills presented.
Meyerson read a note received from Matt Gruenhagen thanking the association for letting him construct the carp/throat trap for his Eagle Scout project. Gruenhagen earned and will be receiving his award!
The possibility of installing a gate/barrier to keep out carp at the Hubbard-Wheeler area was discussed. Meyerson will ask McComas advice about this before next meeting. Gruenhagen will ask the DNR if we would be allowed to install such a gate. If so, we will ask Marv Olson to contact landowner Mike Bjur about this issue. Gruenhagen and Bill Schultz will try to locate a commercial fisherman interested in taking carp.
Meyerson spoke with McComas 6-13-01; McComas agreed to have the budget prepared for our next meeting. McComas would like to attend (with pay) the annual meeting in August. We agreed to ask McComas to come out to Diamond Lake to dive, check the moss/curlyleaf situation and do a general testing of water quality. MM, 2nd and approved. Meyerson will call McComas.
Flaata reported on the CurlyLeaf; she and Judy Christensen attempted to cut the past two weekends and found very little CurlyLead-however there is much moss.
Meyerson showed samples of Tree City brochures. Available at approximately $100.00 for 500 brochures. Davenport will help choose one to be purchased for mailing with the July 4th issue of Diamond Lake News. MM & 2nd to purchase.
COLA - Kandiyohi County - we have a membership but not receiving their newsletters - possibly being mailed to Paul Rasmussen? Meyerson will try to contact Rasmussen about this.
Bernard Property: Davenport will check with Zoning Administrator if Bernard has scheduled another hearing?
Noted that Ken & Patty Krueger have purchased property on east side of Diamond - they could possibly be interested in lake/board activities.
Flaata proposed Bill and Joan Schultz become Board members - Schultz' agreed to serve, MM & 2nd to approve. Thank You to Bill and Joan for doing so!
Next meeting is Wednesday, July 11, 2001 - Covell Bldg in Atwater.
Meeting adjourned - Thank You, Suzanne for delicious rhubarb dessert!