Diamond Lake Association Members present: Bob Meyerson, Larry Redeeming, Dave Solbrack, Tom Deadrick, Russell Johnson, Tom Sykora, Kathy Flaata,
Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz, Judy Christensen
Guest: Steve McComas of Blue Water Science
Secretary's report was read and approved.
Treasurer's report was read and approved. Mm and 2nd to pay $236.22 for spring issue of Diamond Lake News. $171.00 to EcoLabs for transparency and water quality reports. $50.00 to county lakes association for Diamond Lake association yearly dues. Total check book balance $32,245.35. Dues paid to date 69 @ $25.00 each.
Bill Schultz and Tom Deadrick worked on carp trap placing gates and throats. The channels that hold throats in place need readjustment in the fall when water level is lower. Tom Deadrick has been in touch with Mr. Seeman who will harvest the carp in the next couple of weeks. Schultz and Deadrick will continue to monitor carp trap. Mm and 2nd to replace torn waders for Deadrick and Schultz.
Kathy Flaata reported on the weed cutting of curly leaf. Several boats with 2 people each have been out for several days for a total of 17 hours. Those working were Orlan Flaata, Tom Deadrick, Mike Mcmonigal, Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz, Jackie DeRudder, Judy Christensen. Next year we need to concentrate on the south end of the bay and cut when the weeds are a little shorter. Flaata will write a report for the association.
Reclassification of the lake was discussed, more information is needed how other lakes have gone about reclassification. Schultz has spoken to Skip Wright and asked for a mailing of information, but has not received any yet. Schultz will contact Wright again.
Larry Redepenning questioned if association should consider restocking pan fish in Diamond Lake. He has been in touch with West Central Bait, 6416 County Road 40 NE, New London, MN. E-mail:lint@gotwalleye: and web site is www.gotwalleyes.com. Larry also has a price list for these fish. McComas suggested sunfish over black crappies, he also suggested contacting DNR for restrictions. Redepenning will be responsible for contacting DNR and will report back to board @ next meeting. Topic discussed and tabled.
Dave Solbrack shared a copy of "Green Lake Breeze" association paper. Dave reported on the drainage areas from highway 12 to Diamond Lake. People who own land are reluctant to go along with berms as some of their land will be flooded. Marv Olson and Steve Erickson of U.S. Fish & Wildlife have been in touch with land owners but are at a stalemate. Solbrack will keep board posted. Dave will invite Marv Olson to the next meeting.
Schultz asked if there were monies available for updating septic systems for lake owners. McComas said clean water partnership doesn't allow money to update septic systems. Judy christensen said Pennock bank allows low interest loans of 3%, up to $5000 for the basic price of a new system. Christensen will submit article for next newsletter.
Steve McComas presented the Diamond Lake phase 2 continuation action plan for the year April 2002 to April 2003 work schedule. Tasks budget:
1. Home owner projects: shoreland inventory will be done by McComas and the information will be presented at the association picnic.
2. Agriculture bmp's.
3. Hubbard lake chain: Blue Water Science to test slow release alum pellets used to bind phosphorus. Subject to approval by DNR.
4. Aquatic plant management.
5. Fish project.
Monitoring to continue on water clarity. Mm and 2nd to approve budget and alum testing on Hubbard Lake. McComas will contact area educational units for proposed classes for youth on lake ecology.
Mm and 2nd to elect Judy Christensen for new board president. Christensen accepted and agreed to be acting president for 1 year.
The annual meeting will be Saturday August 10th at 9:30am at Kandiyohi County Park # 3. Speaker Steve McComas.
Next meeting July 18th 2002 at Covell building in Atwater at 7pm. Meeting adjourned.
Respectively submitted,
Joan Schultz