Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Chris Black, Jon Hanson, Vicki Behm, Russell Johnson, Harlan Meints, Bob Meyerson, Gordon Bloomquist, Bob Carruthers, Larry Redepenning, Lowell Skoglund
Board Members Absent: Joan Schultz
Guests: Jim Tschendorf, Steve Nelson (Environmental Well & Septic) and Ron Jasperson
Judy opened the Board of Directors meeting.
Treasurers report read and approved.
Bills to be paid:
Bob Meyerson - newsletter $429.82
Judy Christensen - web site annual fee $99.99
Motion made, 2nd and approved to pay bills.
Septic System Discussion - All
Russ, Harlan and Jon counted ballots. There were 197 valid ballots (from association members) and 7 who sent in ballots but were not association members – these were not counted. Of the 197 ballots, 86 were yes and 111 were no. There were 60 paid members who did not vote.
Some other ballots were distributed with instructions to send them to Harlan Madsen. This caused confusion with some people. Jon did not get these ballots.
Motion made, seconded and approved for Jon to contact Harlan Madsen and get the ballots for association members who sent then in error to Harlan. Jon Russ & Harlan will validate they are not duplicates and they are paid association members, they will then tally the results. If the count changes by 5% Jon will contact Judy to call a special Board meeting. Jon to give results of the vote with the additional ballots to Judy who will pass them onto Harlan Madsen.
Steve Nelson who does septic inspections (mainly for real estate transactions and permits) and Ron Jasperson who is the President of the Association for inspectors and installers were present. They discussed alternatives to sewer systems at a high level. We asked them to write an article for the News.
Bylaws - Harlan Meints
The revised Association bylaws were reviewed with minor modifications. Motion made, seconded and approved to accept the revised bylaws.
Annual Meeting Agenda - All
The annual meeting agenda was discussed, topics include:
Sewer Vote: Jon
Bylaws: Harlan
Watershed Update: Gordy Behm
Guest Speakers
Impaired Waters: MPCA representative
Sewer, Other Topics: Harlan Madsen
Tentative Guest Speaker
Misc: Sheriff Dan Hartog (call in, have not heard back yet).
There was discussion if only Association members would be allowed to attend. It was decided anyone could attend, but tt was noted only Association members can vote.
Misc - All
Board changes were discussed:
Judy has resigned as President, she agreed to stay on as a Director for 1 additional year.
Joan Schultz, Larry Redepenning, Chris Black & Russ Johnson have resigned effective after the annual meeting.
Jim Tschendorf volunteered to join the Board.
Possible additions to the Board include Terry Marguth and Rhonda Nordin. Harland and Larry to contact them to confirm interest.
Motion made, seconded and approve to appoint Jim Tschendorf to Board, check with Terry Marguth and Rhonda Nordin, and then vote on at Association meeting.
Judy reported the DLARA was renewed as a non-profit organization to the state. Documents to be given to Joan for filing.
With the last web site maintenance fees, we have been given the opportunity to have a registered domain name. Diamondlakeassociation is already taken, Judy to find a name we can use – will change from a .com to a .org.
Lowell reported cattle are in Hubbard lake polluting the lake which flows into Diamond. We need to look into possibly seeing if the farmer(s) are interested in fencing to prohibit this if the Association is willing to pay towards the fencing. Judy reported we had looked into this once before about 2 to 3 years ago and it was expensive. Judy will find out what farmer we were working with at the time – will report back at next board meeting.
Next Meeting
Annual Meeting is at the Atwater Community Center on August 19, 2006 at 9am.
Meeting closed at 10:30am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Christensen