The meeting was called to order by Pres. Harlan Meints at 9 AM in the Covell Bldg., Atwater, MN. No minutes were reported as the absent secretary had not transmitted any. Treasurer Jon Hanson reported total balances of $50,895.92.
Gordon Behm, Board member of the North Fork Crow River Watershed District and a Diamond Lake resident passed out a summary of grants awarded to the District. Their final plan has been approved on a preliminary basis. A copy of the management plan was left with Bob Meyerson and projects may soon begin. The District has already held several rain garden workshops. Rain gardens help slow run off, thus decreasing the nutrients flowing into the lake. Julie Klocker, district manager, can be reached at 796-0888. There will be a County Park Shoreline Restoration Project, buffer strips for farmers.
It was reported that there were lots of dead fish on the shore of Hubbard Lake. Was this due to shallow water? Heavy snowfall late in the season? Bob Meyerson volunteered to talk to Pat Wheeler and Mike Buer about fencing in the area as money may be avail-able from the District. Meints will talk to Rick Reimer about SWCD involvement. We wondered if the carp trap would be eligible for funding. Judy Christensen will talk to the DNR about what to do with the dead carp. Lowell Skoglund will look into opening the fish traps.Hanson moved, Skoglund second that we authorize up to $2,000 to removed dead carp from the trap. Motion carried.
Meints noted that he has been attending Watershed District meetings. It is important that we be represented. Bob Carruthers moved, Christensen second that Dale Owen be added to our Board. Motion carried. Meints, Carruthers, Hanson and Owen then formed a working committee to develop a Lake Restoration Plan. It was noted that Meints, Christensen and Meyerson all had keys to the shed by Community Park.
Christensen volunteered to put out the loon nests on the lake inlet and Dogfish Bay.
Meints emphasized the importance of water monitoring for purposes of going forward with lake improvement. Sampling must be done every 2 weeks during the season. On April 28 there will be another training workshop at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. Owen volunteered to attend. The sewer issue was brought up. Questions were raised whether the County Commissioners would pursue it and whether the Association should push it. There was no concensus.
The annual meeting was set for Aug. 18 at Community Park at 9 AM. It was decided to reimburse members at the standard IRS rate of 48.5 cents/mile for non-board meeting attendance.
Next board meeting was set for Sat., May 19 at 8 AM in the Community Park shelter. In case of inclement weather, we will repair to Harlan Meints’ house.
Christensen volunteered to start work on a new Lake Directory. Hanson moved we spend some money at Kinko’s for printing. Wenzel Kojetin second, motion carried.
Meyerson offered to talk to Prairie Woods about putting their Voyaguers Canoe on Diamond Lake for a school project. Meints would talk to the ACGC superintendent about it. It was noted that the By-Laws are now on the Website. Meeting adjourned 10:20 AM.
Submitted by Bob Meyerson, Secretary pro-tem