The meeting was called to order by Pres. Harlan Meints at 8 Am in the County Park 3 building. The minutes from the April 14, 2007 Board meeting were reported by Secretary Vicki Behm and approved. Treasurer Jon Hanson reported $488.27 in out-going expenses. No balance was reported.
Loon Nests
It was determined the Boy Scouts had the loon nests and they put one nest out. The Boy Scouts have discussed building additional loon nests. Bill will contact Jeff W., scout leader, and invite him to our next meeting. Jeff will also be asked to write a report on the loon nests to be published in the July newsletter.
Weed Cutting
Judy and Rhonda to lead the weed cutting effort next week, weather permitting. Harlan volunteered to assist.
Lake Restoration – Meeting with Julie Klocker
Jon reported the following solutions were discussed with Julie:
water monitoring of the lake
draining the Hubbard chain of lakes to kill the carp and allow the natural grasses to grow back. Julie will contact Shallow Lakes group to get a cost estimate. The board feels this would be the most effective option. We need the watershed involved and would need to get approval from the land owners to proceed.
fencing around Hubbard chain of lakes. Pat Wheeler is interested in pursuing. Rick Reimer to get cost estimate of fencing as it would covered about a mile distance. Gordon Behm offered to talk with the land owners. Rick also to check into if grazing is occurring on the buffer strips.
install a dam to slow down the water flow. Julie was not in favor of this option.
alum treatment, though it is very expensive at $300 an acre. The question was raised whether there was a problem with fish ingesting the alum.
Another meeting will be scheduled with Julie in June to get an update.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting is schedule for August 18, 9:00 AM at Community Park 3. Harlan to contact Julie to invite her to present on algae growth and rain gardens.
Newsletter Update
Bob Meyerson reported that the newsletter will include an article from Julie, the Sheriff, Eco Voyageur and an appeal for dues and a stuffer on ordering shirts, etc. Harlan will ask Julie to submit an article for the Sunfish Gazette.
Fish kill Hubbard Lake
Harlan had talked to the DNR about cleaning up the dead fish and they replied we should just let nature take its course. There are over 1,000 decaying fish which is more fertilizer going into the lake.
Fish Trap
Harlan will contact Judy to see if Seaman is removing the carp from the trap. Harlan requested we purchase 2 hay forks and 2 metal rakes. Bob Meyerson moved, Teschendorf second. Motion carried. There are trees and saplings that need to be cut as they are in the way of the trap. Additionally there are 4 dead trees falling over the inlet which need to be removed. Jim Teschendorf and Dale volunteered to contact the DNR regarding tree removal and to get pricing and report back at the next meeting.
ACGC Eco-Voyageur field trip
Harlan Meints suggested we authorize $100 to ACGC, Jim Teschendorf move we pay, Dale Owens second. Motion carried.
4th of July boat parade
It was decided to continue the boat parade. Bob Meyerson will add date and time to the newsletter. The parade will commence at 4:00 PM, July 4th at the county park.
Jim reported that the Total Max Daily Load (TMDL) study has been approved to begin in 2008. This will be a 2 – 3 year process to gather the information to validate current data.
Testing to include:
chemical and water clarity testing every two weeks. Cost to be covered by the Watershed District.
two deep water tests on the West & East end of the lake. To be done monthly for 5 months. DLARA to cover half the cost.
testing of the 3 inlets: Kringo Creak, Fishery pond and Dog Fish Bay. DLARA pays 100% less $2,000/year.
Jim volunteered to write up an article on this subject for the July newsletter. Jon Hanson moved we pay the rates set up by the Watershed District, Dale second. Motion carried.
Solar Bee
Solar Bee is a new technology that deters the bloom of blue green algae. Jim Teschendorf has arranged for Michael Christenson to attend a meeting of the Lake Monitoring committee to share what the benefits are of this technology. The meeting has been set for Tuesday, May 29th at 5:00 PM at Jim’s home. Harlan, Dale, Jon and Jim will attend. An invitation will be extended to Julie and Rick Reimer. All board members are invited to attend. Prior to the meeting, Michael will check out the inlets on the lake.
Next Board Meeting
The next board meeting was set for June 30th at 8:00 AM at the Community Park. Secretary to send out notice to board members one week prior to meeting.
Changes to letter to MFCRWSD
Bob Meyerson has agreed to update the letter with the number of DLARA members and the total number of individuals around the lake and send to Julie.
Jim mentioned that Frontier now can offer lake residence high speed internet/broadband service for $79.99/month. This includes phone and internet connection. Bob Meyerson volunteered to solicit interest from members by including a question on the dues letter.
Tom Bunde is gathering information on the history of Diamond Lake. Bob Meyerson offered to share copies of reports that he has in his possession.
Meeting adjourned at 9:36 AM
Respectfully submitted by Vicki Behm, Secretary