Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
8:00 AM Saturday July, 28, 2007
Kandiyohi County Park #3, Atwater
The meeting was called to order by President Harlan Meints at 7:58 AM in the County Park 3 building.  The minutes from the June 30, 2007 Board meeting were reported by Secretary Vicki Behm and approved subjected to changing the wording under the Solar Bee section to read, “Each circulating unit costs approximately $20,000…..”  Treasurer Jon Hanson reported the total balance as of 7/27/2007 of $55,090.87 and three checks were written; one for the printing of the directory, one for the annual website fee and lastly to Ramsey printing.  No new bills. Motion carried to accept the treasury report.


2007 Directory
Judy Christensen distributed the DLARA 2007 Directory to the board members.  Judy created the Diamond Lake Address list by last name and by lake address and printed 250 copies.  The directories will be distributed at the annual meeting.  Only paid members will receive a copy.  Jon to bring a list of paid up members to the annual meeting.  The directory will be mailed to paid-up members unable to attend the annual meeting. 

Term of Directors
Bob Carruthers, Lowell Skoglund, Harlan Meints and Vicki Behm’s term is up.  Rhonda Nordin will be removed from the Board for not attending any meetings.  Judy Christensen has tendered her resignation.  Bob Carruthers, Lowell Skoglund, Harlan Meints and Vicki Behm will be recommended to serve another 3 year term.  It was discussed that each person should be recommended individually and vote by a show of hands.  Bob moved, Judy second.  Motion carried.  We have 2 available seats on the board.   Bob Meyerson offered to facilitate the election for Directors. 

Gary Danielson Meeting
At Gary Danielson’s request, Harlan, Jon and Bill went to meet with him.  In addition to Gary Danielson, Skip Wright, Gary Geer and Harlan Madson also attended.   There appeared to be confusion regarding who should take the lead addressing the waste water treatment issues.  There continues to be many issues like; approximately a dozen residents on Diamond Lake were granted 2 years extensions to delay addressing their failing septic system and their time is up,  the TMDL study just started and we don’t have any results, people need to be educated, etc.  The question was asked why this was being pushed and an answer was not forthcoming.  An update to be given at the annual meeting.  Valory Parks offers a one evening workshop around sewer options.  Harlan will talk with Julie about setting up a workshop on a weekend to accommodate as many Association members as possible.  Harlan will check on a date and get to Bob Meyerson for the newsletter.

Mayor of Atwater Meeting
Lowell talked with Baker, Mayor, regarding the possibility of running a sewer line to Atwater.  Atwater does not have a capacity to pick up Diamond Lake residence, but believed if this were the direction, Atwater might be able to get money to put in a new sewer processing plant.  No further action at this time.

Lake Dues
To date 224 Association members have paid their dues.  Last year we had 252.

Fish Trap
Bill met with the DNR and we need to replace the fish traps.  It was suggested that the DNR, the watershed and we could fund this project.  Need costs.  The Board is waiting
for numbers from Rick R. on fencing, however there are fewer cattle around the lake and Beur may be getting out of cattle.


Agenda for Annual Meeting (August 18, 9:00AM at Community Park 3)
1.  Normal opening – Vicki to read minutes from last year’s annual meeting, Jon to give a treasury report and update on paid dues.
2.  Committee report on meeting with Gary Danielson (Jon, Lowell, Bill)
3.  University of Minnesota extension (Harlan)
4.  Motion for the DLARA to stay active in the discussions around sewer/lake issues.  (Jim Teschendorf)
5.  Approval of by-laws (Harlan)
6.  Julie K. report and algae presentation
7.  Judy C. resignation (Harlan)
8.  Board of Director Elections (Bob M. to facilitate and Vicki to record)
9.  Adjourn

Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting will be September 22 at 9:00 at County Park 3.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25AM

Respectfully submitted by Vicki Behm, Secretary