Members present: Jon Hanson, Bob Meyerson, Gordon Bloomquist, Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Dale Owen, Jerry Ebersviller, Wencel Kojentin, Tim Groshens, Becky Ricklefs, Richard Phillips, Lisa Piotrowski
Harlan called the meeting to order at 1:03.
Tim motioned and Richard seconded to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Motion passed.
Jon presented the treasurer’s report. The checking account balance is $6258.76, with savings account balance of $26,445.01, CDs totaling $13,444.12, and a cash balance of $35.00, giving a total of $46,182.89. Jon also reported that we have 127 members who have paid dues. He also reported that Harlan and Dale have completed an audit of the books. Dale motioned and Bob seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Tim reported that we have not filed for tax-exempt status with the IRS. The filing fee is $500 to $750 and we must file an annual report. Tim suggested that we file for that status and will report back next month on the process.
Brad DeWolf and Gary Danielson were present to report on a timeline for investigating the possibility of installation of a loop connecting Diamond Lake to the Green Lake Sanitary Sewer System. They reported that Friday afternoon the trunk line to Kandiyohi was certified. The bids for that line came in lower than expected. If Diamond Lake hooked into that line, the cost would be $2460 lower than expected. Diamond Lake residents would only have to pay the monthly fee. The timeline calls for a feasability study by early July, with presentation to the Kandiyohi Board July 7. There will be open houses for public information and input on July 31 and August 1. Mailings will be sent out to lake residents prior to these meetings. On August 7, a formal hearing will be held before the county board. A submission will be made to the Public Financing Association for funding for the project in August. The project will be designed over the winter, with bids being let in the spring. Another series of open houses will be held the end of February, where the cost with bids in hand will be available. A formal hearing will be held in March, with construction in April and planned completion date in October. If funding is awarded, the start date may be delayed until July, 2010. The trunk line to Kandiyohi is scheduled to begin in three weeks. In answering questions, the two men informed us that the contractor will hook everything up to the house and will get rid of the current system if it is not working. Discussion needs to be done about removing mounds, as that has not been done on previous projects. It was also stated that existing systems couldn’t be used with the loop because they tend to freeze. Also, a single grinder can be used by up to four homes, with even more sharing a grinder if a Duplex Grinder is installed. A policy committee needs to be organized with 6 to 8 people, to be an advisory body with Gary and Brad as the project progresses. County Commissioners will vote on the loop August 7 and public notice will be given prior to that vote.
Jon presented bills of $510.70 for printing the newsletter, $74.00 for mileage for Harlan, and $575.10 for 40 bags of fertilizer to be given to paid members at the annual meeting. Richard motioned and Jerry seconded to approve the bills. Motion passed.
Richard reported that the address book is done and all 375 residences are in it. Dale motioned and Tim seconded to publish the directory. Motion passed. It will be handed out at the annual meeting to paid members, with hand delivery to members who are not present. Lisa will get a price to print 270 copies at Ramsey Printing.
An estimate for cutting the trees by the inlet was submitted by Tommy Swenson for $1200. He will cut up and haul away the large trees. He wants to stack the small stuff on the Gustafson property for burning at a later date. Harv will contact Mr. Gustafson. Jon motioned and Lisa seconded to hire Tommy. Motion passed.
Jim has not contacted the DNR about the fish trap. He will report later.
The money the lake association loaned the sewer committee will be returned after the committee meets one more time to make sure all their bills are paid. They will contact us in a couple of weeks to let us know how much will be returned.
Stan Lange is doing posters for the Fourth of July Boat Parade. The parade will be at 4:00 on July 4. The information will be given to Judy Christiansen to put on the web site and sent to the e-mail addresses she has.
We have the permit to cut weeds on the lake. The price for the permit was the same this year. This needs to be done within a week. Bill Schultz will be contacted to get this done.
Eight dozen doughnuts and coffee for 80 people will be ordered from Thompsons Bakery for the annual meeting. Lisa will pick these up Saturday morning.
Harv will try to get someone to discuss shoreline rules and regulations for the annual meeting. We will also ask for volunteers for the policy committee for the loop. We will inform the membership about our meeting with Gary Danielson and Brad DeWolf.
Jim, Dale, and Wencel’s terms on the board are expiring this year. All are willing to run again. Bob will run the ballots for the election.
Chad Anderson has requested a letter of support to the Watershed District for $6000 over three years in projects and in-kind volunteer time from the lake association. We can count the fish trap and monitoring. They need these commitments for grants they apply for. Jon motioned and Dale seconded to offer this support. Motion passed.
Coupons for one bag of phosphorus-free fertilizer will be given to paid members at the annual meeting. Harv will make coupons to be given out that day.
The names of people authorized to sign checks at the Atwater bank is out of date. Jon is on it now, but Harv and Dale will be added. Tim motioned and Lisa seconded to update the names. Motion passed.
Jon has asked the township board to write up rules for what improvements are allowed in the right-of-way in light of the problems encountered last summer with the Ricklefs’ rain garden. Ron Petersen has said he will write something up and get it to us.
At the present time, individuals on the lake who require a fire call are charged for that call. It is possible to get that covered with your insurance, but not all policies cover it. Jon will put this information in the newsletter for lake residents.
The next meeting will be July 18 at 9:00 at Harlan’s house.
Jon is going to talk to the township board about putting up more speed limit signs on Breezy Point Road.
Tim motioned and Jerry seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.
Submitted by Becky Ricklefs, secretary DLARA