Present were: Jon Hanson, Gordon Bloomquist, Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Dale Owen, Jerry Ebersviller, Ken Gutzwiller, Richard Phillips, Lisa Piotrowski and Sherrie Meints.
Meeting was called to order by president Harlan Meints. Jerry approved the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Gordy.
The treasurers report was approved. $1100 was paid for tree cutting. The final $100 is to be paid when the small trees are taken away. The D.N.R. gave their approval of the tree cutting and said it looked very good.
Jon also reported that as of Aug. 8th we have 228 paid DLARA members. Dale made a motion, 2nd by Ken to approve the treasures report.
Member address books are to handed out at the informal meeting on Aug. 28th and 29th.
Jim is meeting with Bruce Gilbertson, Chad Anderson, and LeRoy Gulky this next week to talk about possible matching funds through R.I.M. funds. R.I.M. funding is for 50% and it is an on going fund. These funds are to be applied for before the end of august so fast action is needed. Richard made a motion, 2nd by Jon to fund the fish barrier project for a maximum amount and not to exceed $15,000. Little Crow River Watershed has committed $6,500. The D.N.R. has no funds, but would do the work.
Ken made a motion and 2nd by Jerry to disband the sewer committee. DLARA wishes to thank the sewer committee for all of their long hours and commitment to relay all possible answers to lake members.
Harlan reported that DLARA did not receive the 319 grant using stimulus money that was applied for.
There are still 25 bags of fertilizer to be picked up at Petersen hardware in Atwater. The board decided to store these bags at the home of Harlan Meints and any paying member can come and pick them up on a first come first serve bases.
Colleen O’ Leary presented a letter that is to be signed by the president and secretary asking the county to lower the speed limit on Hwy. 4 between 49th Ave. NE and 60th Ave NE to 45 mph.
Board members who where present picked up a booklet of Diagnostic/Feasibility study for Diamond Lake. These were signed out to the board members and are to be returned when the member resigns from the board.
The policy committee reported that they will help the county set-up chairs and provide coffee and cookies/donuts at the county meetings on Aug. 28th and 29th at Atwater community building. An open house will be held on Sept. 18th @ 5:30 for questions followed by a formal meeting at 7:00. The county commissions will vote at this time to go ahead with the sewer loop around the lake or not. Everyone is urged to attend.
The DNR sent a pamphlet out in regards to the rules and regulations of riprap along shorelines. Bob will put one of these pamphlets in each of the DLARA letter mailings.
Next year DLARA needs to apply early in the season for their weed cutting permit. Much help is needed on this project as no one wants the weeds to get a foothold.
Next meeting day was set for Sept. 19th at Harlan Meints’ home.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30. 1st by Richard and 2nd by Ken.