May 14, 2011 MINUTES
The meeting was called to order by President Meints at his home at 100pm. Board members present were Harlan Meints, Gordy Behm, Jerry Ebersviller, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Richard Phillips, Lisa Piotrowski, Bob Meyerson, Colleen O’Leary. Not attending, Gordon Bloomquist, Elaine Sietsema, Jim Teschendorf, Jon Hanson. Also present was Josh Kavanagh of Ducks Unlimited. A quorum being present, the meeting proceeded.
Harlan presented the floor to Dean gave an update on the sewer project. Things are backed up because of equipment and water problems. They are working on the Southeast side with grinders now. The electric company will come in and do connections and then there is 21 days to restore. When the final connection is made, they will connect the new and disconnect the old system in the yard. The south side lift station should be up and running in a couple of weeks. The final completion date is ????? October. The Point may need to wait until fall because of the water table. Homeowners will be notified about a week prior to grinder pump, electric, plumber meter install, and final connect. There will also be a flier on what to do with the water meter if you winterize your home. The construction company will patch all roads that are damaged by construction. Disputes between the homeowner and the engineer will go to Del or DLARA Harv or Gordie.
The meeting returned to the scheduled agenda:
Minutes of the 25 September 2010, 09Feb11, and 02May11 meetings were presented. It was Moved by Ken, 2nd by Jerry, to accept these minutes as corrected. Motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report indicated that the ending balance, as of 30April 1022 of the checking account was $7358.93; the savings account $26978.55, CD’s $13594.38, cash on hand $35.00, for a total of $47966.86. Harv indicated the following bills had been paid since that date of $869 for insurance. Also, we did receive a check for $200 for the county portion of the winter dumpsters. Motion by Gordie B, 2nd by Lisa to accept the Treasurers Report. Motion passed.
Bills were presented as follows:
Harlan Meints(mileage)
$ 41.30
Moved by Bob, 2nd by Tim to accept and pay the above the bills. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Harlan reported that only some of the brush pile has been burned up, but that there is lots of water and we will need to wait a bit.
Harv reported that the water is too high right now. A question was asked if the survey did get done this past fall.
Harlan has attended the KCLA meetings. That association has posted signs at the public accesses regarding the care to prevent Zebra muscles. They feel that fishing contests are the primary cause of the muscles movement into additional lakes. The cost of one of the decontamination units is ~$200,000. There will be a demo at the Fire station in Willmar on 17 May. Harv will keep up to date.
Richard did get the trash containers out before the lake froze. He did indicate that when they removed them in the spring, they were only ½ full—probably because there were not many ice fishers this past season. It was mentioned that perhaps it would be nice to have the containers year round. Cost sharing for this will be looked into. Richard indicated that the application for cost sharing was received late and so reimbursement will be delayed
and probably would not get it done. The Association has held back $100 of payment. After discussion, it was decided that Harlan will contact some other local folks and see if they will accomplish this task.
Jim reported that the Fish Barrier will not be in place this year. He did write to Leroy Dahlke to ask for a current update on the project. To date, the DNR has paid $14000 and DLARA and the Watershed District have contributed an additional $14000. Mr. Dahlke responded that the survey was likely this fall, the design in the spring, and the work done in late summer or early fall of 2011. He indicated that the money would be moved into the 2012 fiscal year budget.
Jim also reported that the Fish Trap grant request has been dropped at this time, as it does not fit the criteria and would be very low on the long list.
Harlan has attended the KCLA meetings. That association is posting signs at the public accesses regarding the care to prevent Zebra muscles. They are also updating the yellow signs with the list of infected lakes. Invasive vegetative species is the most discussed topic. Each lake is to pay for their signs and brochures. Diamond Lake is “the” compliant lake in the association.
Harlan and Gordy Behm were recognized for their 5 years of participation in the Citizens Committee of the Watershed District. Congratulations and thank you to both from all! Green Lake hosted the meeting, the speaker was an ecologist. Harlan has a CD copy of the presentation if anyone wants to listen to it.
Richard will remind Waste Management of the need for trash containers at the access points. The bill will be sent directly to Jon. Motion is previous meeting to pay this bill.
Jim reported that he spoke with Joe Eisterhold of the New Ulm DNR regarding the timetable for requesting a Control of Invasive species grant. He reported that Joe said the PI survey on Diamond Lake is scheduled for early spring 2011. Jim is checking to see that since we are scheduled for this survey, if we are qualified as eligible to apply for the grant. He will keep updated through the winter.
No loon nests were put out this year. Lisa will talk to the Boy Scouts about helping to get them out and about building 2 additional ones. The Boy Scouts are currently storing them; however, there is space to store them in the shed at the park.
Tim reported that there are no state forms to be filed at this time. He will continue to monitor this.
Harlan gave a sewer project update. The trunk line is expected to be completed and tested this fall. Also expected to be complete, are the laterals. The company is about 3 weeks behind, partially because of the wet weather and partially because they need more crews. Ellington was told to get busy—the force main is still not complete. The grinders will be installed next year; homeowners will receive a letter ~ one week prior to grinder installation. There will be an option to have the line form the electric box to the grinder done by direct bore at a cost to the homeowner of $12 per foot! Perhaps a 3rd party will be less. If it is trenched, there is no cost.
New Business:
TMDL –Harlan attended the meeting and the final outcome will be reported as above.
Homeowner Sewer Assessments—The meeting will take place at the end of the October. The rate of interest to be announced will be 4.68% for 20 years including the handling fee by the county.
The minutes should be updated on the website. Judy has not been heard from for about 2 to 3 months. In addition to not being current, some of the links do not work well. Jim will email her and follow up on the importance of keeping the website current.
The President will contact all board members by email in the spring to schedule the next meeting. There is a request that it not be the third Saturday of the month.
Moved by Richard, 2nd by Jerry to Adjourn. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted<