Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
July 14, 2012
Home of Harlan Meints, Atwater
July 14, 2012 MINUTES

Board Members present: Becky Ricklefs, Bob Meyerson, Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Jerry Ebersviller, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Diane Rivard, Lisa Piotrowski.  Absent Gordon Bloomquist.

Also Present: Brian Weisman, Greg Linsmeier

The meeting was called to order at 910am.

Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting were presented as mailed.  Motion by J. Ebersviller, 2nd by L. Piotrowski to accept.  Motion carried.

Lisa presented the Treasurer’s Report.  As of 30Jun12, the checking balance was $6337.50, Savings $27152.18, CDs totaling $10465.76, Cash Balance $85.00, for a total of $44040.44.  Motion K. Gutzwiller, 2nd G. Behm to approve the Treasurers Report.  Motion passed. 

Lisa presented the following bills to be paid--$236.50 to Ramsey Printing, $99 to Judy Christensen for website renewal, $40 to H. Meints for mileage.  Motion K. Gutzwiller, 2nd J. Ebersviller to pay the bills.  Motion passed.

Jim reported on the Fish barrier to be installed between Hubbard and Diamond.  He said the DNR is to have the plans ready for bid at end of July and out for bids by the beginning of August.  They can then be opened by the end of August, processed by end of September, everything ready by the end of October and construction finished by the end of November!   It was noted that there would be no walkway designated in the plans as they do not want to encourage folks to walk across for safety reasons.  It was also stated that PVC pipe was determined not acceptable, therefore the construction will include 3’ aluminium pipes ~100 feet in length with 1” holes, held down with concrete slats to hold down and the upper end capped.  The bed will be excavated and 6” of gravel put in to lay the pipes on.  It will be located between the two existing structures and they will then be removed.

Jim also reported on the DNR Vegetative study and weed cutting.  Jim heard from Nick Brown the Veg Species Specialist that they were able to look at 4 areas of curly leaf pond weed and they did not find it in nuisance abundance.  They found 11 native plants which is good and will help keep invasives at bay.  This can be interpreted as good news.  Discussion ensued and it was suggested that we invite Nick Brown to the next meeting to explain if we should cut.  Also we can check with the DNR.  Jim will set up a meeting with DNR and Brian and Greg.

There was an update on the Ducks Unlimited study of the Hubbard Lakes chain.  It was noted that the now want a partial payment of our previously approved $8000 contribution.  This would be $3650 at this time and the balance in next year.  Gordy B. has been talking to the landowners and they are in general agreement but no written documents have been set up yet.  Once everything is in order, it will take 3-5 years to get the project up and completed.  It is possible that there will be assessments to all landowners of the Watershed District for maintenance afterwards. If this is necessary, there will be a public meeting.

There are now 2 -96 gallon dumpsters located at the two accesses year round.  These are serviced by Donahue at an annual cost of $529.80.  These are serviced each Monday.We are scheduled to receive a $200 reimbursement from J. Bradberg from Kandiyohi County Water Plan.  Motion by T. Groshen, 2nd by B. Ricklefs to pay the $529.80.  Motion passed.

There was a question to Lisa regarding her willingness to remain on the board.  She wishes to and there is no requirement that one must live on the lake only that they be a paid member of DLARA.  Election of 2012-2013 Officers was held.  Nominations for H. Meints as President, J. Teschendorf as VP, C. O’Leary as Secretary, and L. Piotrowski as Treasurer were made and a motion to close nominations was made.  A motion by T. Groshen, 2nd by K. Gutzwiller to accept the officer slate as presented was made.  Motion passed.

Bob asked for suggestions regarding the Labor day newsletter.  Some suggestions were –something on Winter Rules of keeping the lake clean and the fact that there are dumpsters at the Accesses—for the Spring letter a notice in large letters as to the date of the Annual meeting—something on the scholarship donation DLARA has made to area schools.

H. Meints noted DLARA received a thank you from the Watershed District for our $500 donation toward ACGC scholarship funds to STREAM (Student Targeted Resource Education Awareness and Management).

It was noted that there was a problem at the East Access of the Lake.  The culvert from the slew to the lake on the south side of that access is not screened and is allowing carp to swim up on the homeowners lawn and die.  Gordy and Harv will look into who is responsible to provide and maintain this.

The date and time of the next Board of Directors Meeting is TBA.  It will be in mid to late August.

Loon nests for next year was discussed.  She will check on the opportunity of building and storing of these with some local organizations.

A request for cost sharing from OLeary/Ryan/Lange for a project last fall along the creek on the East side of their property was received.  The total project was in excess of $17000 and the DLARA participation would be $1000.  Motion by B. Ricklefs, 2nd T. Groshen to pay this cost sharing.  Motion carried.

The DLARA secretary was directed to send thank you notes to Elaine Sietsema for arranging for the year round dumpsters, to Richard Phillips for his years of service on the DLARA board and for his continued work on updating the member list, to Judy Christensen for her work on updating the website, and to Jim Teschendorf for his continued efforts on the fish barriers.

There being no further business a motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 1125am.

Respectfully submitted,
Colleen O’Leary