Members present: Harlan Meints, Bob Meyerson, Pat Ryan, Tim Groshens,
Gordy Behm, Milly Wheeler-Gertgen
Meeting called to order by President Meints at 10:00 a.m.
No minutes of previous meeting were available
Treasurer’s report by President: Savings $12,341.52 CD’s $14,350.67 Checking $21,244.31 TOTAL $47,936.50
Bills to pay Meints $20.50 Miller sanitation for dumpsters on lake $530 motion to pay Bob second Millie. Motion passed.
Reminder! 1/3 of directors need to be present for a quorum.
Board member up for reelection AT ANNUAL MEETING Harlan Meints, Pat Ryan, Diane Rivard and Eric Hohman.
President Meints discussed the weed project for this spring. Waiting for the DNR to determine where we can treat.
Meints also informed the board DLARA has received a $7,500 grant from the county.
Gordy gave a brief overview of the Hubbard Lake Project. Construction is complete and drawdown is progressing.
Meints will have an updated directory available for the annual meeting June 16
th .
Discussion was held about speakers, site, food, setup and needed supplies for the annual meeting.
Bob discussed the Memorial Day newsletter and will e-mail board on date to help fold and address same.
Trash receptacles will again be on the lake for another year to help keep our lake clean year around.
Gordy gave a short rundown on the joining of several watershed districts, including the Middle Fork, to coordinate rules and regulations between the groups. One Group! One Plan!
Meints went over the returned comment sheets that were returned with the dues.
No other new or old business brought forward. Next meeting June 16th .
Motioned by Gordy, seconded by Pat to adjourn.