Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Reports Submitted by Students Recapping the Field Trip
(click on each students name to view the report they submitted)
Laura Fett September 2003
Krystal Holland September 2003
Heather Pearson September 2003
Ryan Walsh September 2003
A field trip to Diamond Lake by the Advanced Biology class from ACGC took place on September 22, 2003.  The field trip was taught by Roger Ramthun from the MPCA, Bruce Gilbertson from the DNR and Sue Aagesen, the ACGC Advanced Biology teacher.  Volunteers from our association, Bill and Joan Schultz, Gordon Bloomquist and Tim DeRudder assisted with the various activites that took place.. Students learned how to do water testing for clarity, use of the Secchi disc and how to collect water samples.

Many thanks to Bill and Joan Schultz, Gordon Bloomquist and Tim DeRudder for volunteering their time to make this event successful.  Also, a special thanks to Gordon Bloomquist and Judy Christensen for the use of their pontoons. Below you will find links to the ACGC web site with pictures and a recap along with some sample reports from students.

The Association is going to sponsor a spring field trip with ACGC school in May 2004 since this one was such a success. 
Diamond Lake Association Assists Schools by Purchasing Classroom Water Related Supplies
Back in August 2003 a number of Board Directors and Association Members met with Roger Ramthun (MPCA), Sue Aagesen (ACGC Biology teacher) and Urban Torgorg (Litchfield Science teacher).

One of the outcomes from that session was to purchase water related supplies to assist the students with learning.  Sue confirmed ACGC's support and readiness to execute.  Urban, from Litchfield was in support of this, but unable to execute as he will not be teaching this class, and the other teachers are new to Litchfield.  Therefore limited supplies will be purchased for Litchfield.

As of October 2003, the Association purchased the following for these schools:

*  A CD-rom for each school entitled "Restore Your Shore" to assist students with learning
*  30 "Pond Life" books for ACGC

ACGC is in the process of procuring the following with our approval:
*  Hach water kits (2 for phosphorus testing, 2 for ortho-phosphorus testing).

Lake Survey
ACGC Fall Field Trip to Diamond Lake
September 22, 2003
A follow-up field trip to the fall 2003 field trip to Diamond Lake by the Advanced Biology class from ACGC took place onMay 12, 2004.  The field trip was taught by Roger Ramthun from the MPCA, Bruce Gilbertson and Skip Wright from the DNR, Rick Reimer from  Soil and Water Conservation and Sue Aagesen, the ACGC Advanced Biology teacher.  Volunteers from our association, Bill and Joan Schultz, assisted with the various activites that took place.. Students learned about erosion, acuatic vegetation, TSI and water quality.

Many thanks to all our volunteers for taking their time to make this event successful.  Below you will find links to some sample reports from students.
Reports Submitted by Students Recapping the Field Trip
(click on each students name to view the report they submitted)
Laura Fett May 2004
Andrea Anderson May 2004
Ryan Walsh May 2004
Unknown Student May 2004
Photos of the May 2004 Field Trip
(double click on each photo to enlarge)
Roger Ramthun (MPCA) demonstrates water testing
Bruce Gilbertson (DNR Fisheries) speaks with students

Rick Reimer (SWCD) & Skip Wright (DNR Hydrologist) with students

Skip Wright (DNR Hydrologist) speaks with students
Bruce Gilbertson (DNR Fisheries), Skip Wright (DNR Hydrologist) & Rick Reimer (SWCD) working with students.
Bruce Gilbertson (DNR Fisheries) speaks with students, Rick Reimer (SWCD) participates

ACGC Spring Field Trip to Diamond Lake
May 12, 2004
Lake Survey 2019