Board Opposes Watershed Proposal
As of June 3, 2004 meeting, the Board of Directors voted to oppose "at this time" the establishment of a watershed district which includes the Diamond Lake area. The reasons were many: concern that we would be taxed to implement projects elsewhere, irritation that the district would be established without direct voter approval, suspicion that another layer of governmental bureaucracy would be added, belief that the district would undercut our ability to apply for grants on our own, and worry that the neglect on the part of watershed proponents to show how Diamond Lake would benefit, especially in light of our success in obtaining project grants, would spill over into future watershed deliberations.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Atwater City Council and the Harrison Town Board Diamond Lake is entirely contained in Harrison Township, though some of the watershed is in Gennessee Township. It was expected that Atwater and Harrison would also pass resolutions in opposition to the proposal. The Board decided to take action at this time in order to demonstrate to the Kandiyohi County Commissioners at their upcoming July 1, 2004 meeting that residents of the Diamond Lake watershed did not wish to be a part of the proposal. The Board has no position on a watershed district that would exclude Diamond Lake.
Following are letters from our President, Judy Christensen, explaining the Board's position, and Ron Schneider, a watershed proponent, arguing in favor of the idea. Others are encouraged to weigh in. However, given the high level of the discourse in both the Christensen and Schneider letters, only letters that are well argued and substantiated will be considered. No name calling, wild charges, conspiracy theories, barroom insults, mud slinging, sly innuendos or plagiarized pejoratives will be allowed. And you must keep two feet on the floor at all times.
Letter from DLARA Board of Directors
To: Bill Latham, Kandiyohi County Commissioners (Harlan Madsen, Dennis Peterson, Richard Larsen, Richard Falk, Dean Shuck)
Copy: Green Lake Property Owners Association (Gary Broman, Terry Frazee), Terry Schaefer, Rick Reimer - SWCD, Roger Ramthun - MPCA,Jeff Bredberg - Kandiyohi County, Ardell Thompson, Dale Tagtow, Ron Peterson
Bill and Kandiyohi County Commissioners,
Bill, we appreciated your appearance at the Diamond Lake Association Board Meeting in May concerning your proposal for us to join the formation of a new watershed Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District.
The Board has seriously considered this matter and at this time opposes the establishment of a watershed district which includes Diamond Lake and the Diamond Lake Watershed.
Diamond Lake is part of North Fork Crow River Watershed District; we are an active Board working with the DNR, MPCA and SWCD implementing many new programs to clean up our lake. In your proposal you listed improvements to possibly be undertaken that we have already addressed with formal programs in cooperation with state agencies. To be specific you list:
* Establish best management practices we have an AG BMP Program that has been in place for 2 years and is highly successful
* Educational programs to improve water quality we have worked very hard with the MPCA on establishing educational programs for both our residents on the lake and in the surrounding communities. For example, we are involved with ACGC school to educate our future landowners on water quality by sponsoring educational field trips and supplying the school with books and water testing kits.
* Eliminating / reducing pollution and nutrients we too are actively working on this by educating our landowners on using phosphorus-free fertilizer, aeration of lawns, yard waste, etc.
* Restoration of aquatic vegetation we have a program to evaluate what landowners can do for aquatic vegetation and will supplement their costs should they decide to proceed
* Ongoing testing for water quality and clarity we are actively monitoring our lake for both of these items and work with the MPCA on the results and the identification of new programs we can implement to further clean up our lake
In addition, you state in Article III "That the proposed watershed district will have a commitment to obtaining grants, including state and federal, to undertake agricultural and water quality projects". The Diamond Lake Association is already committed to obtaining grants for agricultural and water quality projects. Currently we have a grant in place for the "Diamond Lake Rehabilitation Project" that is funded in which we match the grant dollars with in-kind hours and our own dollars. Projects supported through this grant include homeowners, agricultural BMP's, Hubbard Lake Chain improvements, aquatic plant management, fish projects, education, monitoring and project management.
To summarize, we are addressing and making significant progress on our key issues and are working well with the existing state agencies that are currently in place to support our needs. We do not see any benefit to the Diamond Lake Watershed to be a part of this proposal, therefore, we do not wish to be involved in your proposed new Watershed District.
Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association Board of Directors
Judy Christensen - President, Bob Meyerson - Vice President, Joan Schultz - Secretary, Jon Hanson - Treasurer, Kathy Flaata - Director, Gordon Bloomquist - Director, Larry Redeppening - Director, Tom Deadrick - Director,Tom Sykora - Director, Russell Johnson - Director, Dave Solbrack - Director
Schneider Letter
Dear Bob,
You requested a letter concerning the benefits of a watershed district for the Middle Fork of the Crow River.
The benefits flow from features which make a watershed district uniquely effective as a means of achieving lasting improvement in water quality. These features include:
Watershed districts are not dependent upon the efforts of a few volunteers, although a strong group of volunteers does enhance the effectiveness of a district;
Due to property taxes, watershed districts have continuity of basic funding, regardless of the vagaries which are inherent in state/federal grants;
Watershed districts always involve, indeed by law must involve, collaboration between lakeshore property owners, farmers and municipalities; and
Recognizing that poor water quality is but a symptom of a larger problem, much like a serious disease, a watershed district treats the serious disease, and not just the symptoms.
Possibly one of the more significant symptoms of a sick lake or river is its level of total phosphorus (TP). Many fresh water scientists believe that when TP concentrations exceed 25 p.p.b. algae growth becomes a problem. Phosphorus is the key ingredient to manage in order to meet and maintain water clarity and algae goals.
According to the MPCA water quality data base Diamond Lake's mean TP was at 95 p.p.b. in 2003.
Measurements taken of other area lakes in 200 and 2001 showed approximate TP concentrations as follows: Nest Lake 43, Alvig Slough 90, Calhoun Lake 32 and Green Lake 18.
Property owners on Nest, Calhoun and Green lakes are very concerned about what they see as increasing TP concentrations and have formed a committee to promote the establishment of a watershed district in order to treat the disease of escalating levels of nutrients. The relatively poor water quality of Nest Lake and Alvig Slough, which each flow directly into Green Lake, must be addressed in a collaborative manner if long term improvement is to be achieved and maintained. None of these lakes can go it alone.
The North Fork of the Crow River Watershed District has been in operation for almost 20 years, and has valuable experience to share. We have learned that it maintains water testing sites in many farm drainage ditches. It works in a collaborative manner to correct problem drainage systems. Agricultural producers in the district contribute to the district's budget along with all other property owners, whether in the city of Paynesville, on the shores of Lake Koronis, or on the banks of the North Fork.
Accord to Al Koseske, who is the fulltime administrator of the North Fork of the Crow River Watershed District, he and his technicians area available 52 weeks out of the year to do planning, make applications for grants, conduct studies, enforce regulations, meet with property owners, etc.
The five managers of the watershed district may come and go, but the district continues to function and to meet its goals because there is, from year to year, a fulltime administrator who is highly trained and experienced. The district also has a group of volunteer advisers who have been trained and know the district and what is happening in it. No one looks good if there is an ecological disaster due to poor planning, but with no planning, ecological disasters are usually worse.
Because watershed districts have taxpayer supported budgets, they are not dependent upon the changing whims of politicians. This financial base makes it possible to plan for future projects while maintain existing systems. Moreover, grant money is more likely to be awarded to a watershed district because of the professionalism and dependability of the watershed district staff, managers and advisers.
What happens in one part of any watershed district often produces repercussions elsewhere in the district. Consequently, it is necessary to address watershed issues with an understanding of the entire watershed. Cutting curly leaf, standing alone, is but a treatment of a symptom. But a program designed to eliminate or at least reduce TP levels throughout the watershed district will have, over the long term, a more beneficial effect.
For those who think otherwise I offer this analogy: Compare poor water quality to a three story apartment building which is a fire trap due to no smoke detectors, no emergency fire extinguishers, no fire walls, no exit doors, etc. Assume that the owners of the building decide to incorporate fire prevention and containment devices on just the first and second floors, leaving the third floor unprotected. If a fire starts on the third floor and becomes a raging inferno, what happens to the first two floors?
We are all stewards of our natural resources. We can preserve them for future generations if we work together, collaboratively. We're all in this together.
Very truly yours,
Ronald H Schneider, P.A.
Impaired Waters
by Loren Engelby - Hawk Creek Watershed Project Coordinator
Impaired Waters may come into play in the near future whether or not a watershed district is established. Loren Engelby is very knowledgeable in this area and we all should pay attention to this "alert".
Whare are they? How do we fix them?
Minnesota is blessed with abundant water resources. Our lakes, rivers and streams play a vital role in the state's economy and the richness of the quality of life residents and visitors enjoy. The opportunities for water related recreation is enormous. Activities such as swimming, fishing, boating and canoeing depend, to a great extent, on good water quality. Lakeshore property values are also affected by water quality. The agricultural economy is also impacted by water. Water management and maintaining water quality are important to all of us. An imbalance to water quality or quantity affects us all. If there is a problem we all suffer. We are all a part of the problem and we are all a part of the solution. Pointing fingers at others doesn't help but cooperation does.
The MPCA is charged with the responsibility of protecting the water quality of our lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. Many of the state's surface waters have excellent water quality and meet or exceed all water quality standards. However, other surface waters receive enough pollutants that they do not meet one or more water quality standards. If this is determined, the water is considered to be "impaired". Waters determined to be impaired are listed on a Federal list, which addresses causes and sources of the impairment. This process is called a "total Maximum Daily Load" (TMDL) analysis. The purpose of the TMDL is to focus attention and resources on impaired waters to ultimately bring them back into compliance with water quality standards.
Water quality standards are the fundamental benchmarks by which the quality of water is measured. These standards define acceptable conditions for the protection of the uses we make of waters of the state. Waters can be considered impaired for a variety of problems ranging from bacteria, mercury, turbidity, oxygen, and others. These pollutants come from urban and rural sources. Mercury, for example, is found in some Minnesota lakes but the source is not local. Power plants and other sources of air pollution from outside Minnesota account for about 90% of the mercury entering the state.
Once a water body is listed as impaired, a formal plan will be developed and used as a guide to have the water "delisted". Implementing the plan will involve many partners, including citizens, County Water Planners, Watershed Projects, and County Board of Commissioners to name a few. The plan will address potential pollution sources. They may include failing septic systems, inadequate community wastewater treatment facilities, poorly managed feedlots, poorly managed lakeshore construction sites and road projects. It is possible that county ordinances can be developed to address failing septic systems, phosphorus in lawn fertilizers and erosion safeguards at construction sites. Funds may be available to help correct pollution problems but the details are unknown.
Having an impaired waters does not mean land use decisions will be made by someone with the "big hammer". It does, however, mean we all will be educated in making better decisions on how our land use decisions impact water quality. We will all be better informed and know what we can do as individuals to make improvements. Remember "We are all a part of the problem and we are all a part of the solution".
For those of you who would like to research this topic further, here is a web site that should help: An expert with the MPCA is Dr. Howard Marcus. His phone number is 651-296-7296 or e-mail is:
Spring Fied Trip ACGC High School
by Joan Schultz
On May 12, 2004 at 9am, 26 students plus teacher Sue Aagesen arrived at the Joan and Bill Schultz residence for a morning of lake studies on Diamond Lake. Also present to speak to the students were Rick Reimer (SWCD), Roger Ramthun (MPCA), Bruce Gilbertson (DNR) and Skip Wright (DNR). Weather was cold, windy and rainy.
Rick Reimer talked about land management in regard to soil erosion and run off, mitigated by buffer strips, earth berms and planting areas adjacent to streams, ponds and rivers. He noted the availability of federal funding for farmers willing to plant buffer strips.
Roger Ramthun pointed out things around the lake that cause pollution, such as trash piles, burning barrels, lawn leaves thrown in ditches and ponds. He also instructed students in proper lawn care, demonstrated proper use of an aeration machine, and tied it in with the fact that only lawn fertilizer with zero phosphorous should be used on lawns.
Bruce Gilbertson talked about water clarity, how clean and murky water affects fish populations, and the importance of wetland management. Skip Wright explained that a watershed is constituted by more than the lake, but also by streams, rivers and ponds that drain into it. It is affected by the stress of increased population and decreased wetlands.
The speakers stressed our responsibility to care for the environment. Run-off of nutrients into streams, rivers and lakes cause algae growth. Improving lawn care practices, removal of trash piles, responsible livestock operations and soil management all will help improve the ecosystem of the lake.
Students then visited the inlet where a water sample was taken to compare to one from the lake. There was a huge difference in clarity. Students could see first hand how run-off from the Hubbard chain of lakes affects Diamond Lake. Afterwards all were invited to the Weseman home for a much appreciated lunch.
The students were very attentive, asked many questions and thanked everyone many times. What a good learning experience for all! Thank you Rick, Roger, Bruce, Skip, Bill, Ms Aagesen and the Weseman's. Field trip costs were paid for with funds from our extended Phase II grant. See excerpts below from some of the student essays submitted.
Student Essay Excerpts
Some of the ACGC students who took the field trip to Diamond Lake in May submitted extra credit essays to their teacher, Sue Aagesen. The full text of theirs essays can be found on our web site. What follows are excerpts from 3 of those essays (with some very slight editing):
Laura Fett
We also reviewed tips for a healthier water habitat. One thing that's important is to leave aquatic vegetation. This helps keep waves from coming up onto the shore and eroding soil into the lake. Aquatic vegetation also feeds animals, and gives animals places for shelter, and keeps the temperature of the water lower, so fish aren't dying. Shoreline vegetation is also...a place for birds to live...Atmosphere deposition is soil from the atmosphere, which has lots of nutrients. It is important to get those nutrients into the lawn, instead of into the lake, and not to use (certain) fertilizers because (some of) the chemicals in them, especially phosphorous, can run into the lake and grow algae..Another thing that can help is by making little rain gardens, which is like a small wetland in your yard. This helps filter water before it runs off into lakes and streams
Andrea Anderson
When you burn garbage you have to make sure you do a good job of it. You want to make sure that you don't burn any Styrofoam or painted wood. These can be dangerous to the environment. You can call your local garbage disposal and they can come and pick them up for you. They could also go the local landfill. You really want to make sure that you don't use wooded areas for your garbage. A lot of people that live around lakes do this, and it isn't good for the environment...Soon it will be to the point where it will be unfixable. When you're burning you want to be very careful that you don't get any ashes into the wetland. (Editor: open buring without a permit is illegal).
Ryan Walsh
Diamond Lake is not known for its great trophy fish because pike, walleyes, bass and other trophy fish need to see to eat. These beautiful fish are sight feeders and if they cannot see what they eat, they all will die. The lake's green color has caused the decline in these trophy fish and they won't come back until the lake clears up. It is of great importance that everyone does their part in protecting the lake from these harmful algae causing agents. Most croppies, large mouth bass and perch spawn in the bulrushes around the lake and when they are removed from the lake, the fish no longer have a place to spawn. Diamond Lake is lucky to have Dog Fish Bay, since it is undeveloped it is a wonderful place for fish to spawn.
Fire Department Charges - Township Fires
by Steve Shea representing Atwater State Agency
This is an interesting topic and one which can present problems for property owners after experiencing a fire. Most every fire policy has a provision to pay a specific amount of money to cover the cost of a fire department responding to a fire. Some policies provide for $250, some provide for $500 and others $1,000. In all cases, the insured may request an amount which he or she things is most appropriate.
When considering how much coverage is enough, it may be a good idea to know the necessary costs associated with a fire in Harrison Township. Let's use the following illustration; we have a fire in which 10 firemen respond with the attack pumper and two fire trucks from the Atwater fire department. The firemen fight the fire for 2 hours before all is extinguished. In this situation the fire department would send a billing notice to the township and the township would pass the billing notice onto the resident.
The costs would breakdown as follows: 10 people X $10 per hour X 2 hours = $200. Next the trucks: the first truck would cost $50 for the 1st hours and $35 for each additional hour. The remaining trucks would each cost $35 per hour. The cost for trucks for 2 hours would be $225 for a total of $425 for this incident. One can certainly imagine that a large fire could get very expensive.
Should this article have stirred interest in the subject, I would encourage you to call me at 974-8424 or call your present insurance agent and discuss the limit that your policy has for a fire department surcharge payment. We represent a township mutual company who automatically builds in a benefit of $1,000 in all of their policies.
What Have We Done For You Lately?
A careful reading of this News will reveal that we have a very effective Association. Ten years ago we embarked on an effort to improve conditions in the watershed. While we can debate whether or not we have made any progress, we cannot debate the fact that we have been hugely successful in obtaining grant money to address problem areas. In fact, a big reason why residents of another lake are trying to form a watershed district (which will include us, whether we like it or not) is that they have been unable to acquire the funding that we have.
But it takes money to get money, and to continue our efforts when the well of grants runs dry at the end of this year, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are an entirely volunteer organization. We also happen to be the only organized group devoted exclusively to the betterment of Diamond Lake. Please do your part by contributing $25 for you annual dues. WE will publish a list of paid up members by the end of the year. Those (and only those) who contribute are eligible to receive a copy of our 2003 Lake Directory listing all residents alphabetically and geographically just let us know at the bottom of this form if you need one (everyone should have received a copy last year, and we have only a few left). You may also be eligible for other occasional benefits, such as the lakescape video or the underwater video of Diamond Lake produced by limnologist Steve McComas. If you have not already paid, send $25 made out to DLARA to Jon Hanson, Treasurer 15375 75th Ave NE, Atwater MN 56209.
Atwater Eight Case Goes to Jury
by Egil Bogey
Calling themselves the Atwater Eight, a group of local people (alas, all males) decided to purchase Island Pine Golf Club this spring. Why? Mostly because it was there, for sale, they enjoy the game and the challenge. Improvements began immediately: fairways aerated and fertilized; greens top dressed as well; they have sprayed for broad leaf, burned off weedy areas, repaired cart paths and bridges I applied for the position as club troll, to lie in wait under the bridge and grab the ankles of slow moving pedestrians, pulling them to their doom in the muck. Alas, they hired another guy from Diamond Lake.
The club house is also getting a makeover, being pressure washed for resealing and leasing the restaurant to Rick K under the name "Bogie's" (if I didn't get the troll job, maybe I should freelance as a bogeyman). The restaurant and course will be available for reunions and outings (rumor has it that Pat Walsh will be ousted as a liberal), with a catering option. Several tournaments have already been scheduled for this year Block Nurse (June 16), class reunions, Aggie Open (next year), and more are encouraged. Monday night is scramble night if you get there by 6pm or so they will set you up with partners. The driving range is now open, with baskets of balls available at the club house. New manager Phil Andersen offers golf lessons, specializing in patience for new golfers (974-8600).
The plan is to bring the course back to excellent shape and attract people willing to give it a shot. Why golf at Island Pine? It is reasonably priced, not crowded, challenging at any skill level but not impossible for beginners, and Eight board member Bruce Larson gives his personal guarantee that there will be no lost balls, no mosquito's and par play. And if you're lucky you might get to see future champions Ryan Walsh (at 16, the youngest golfer to qualify for the state amateur tournament last year) and Josh Hagstrom (freshman member of the SCSU team that went to the nationals held in Florida this year). See the special offer in the last issue of the News.
Missile Lane Yes Notes
Whoops - the Annual Meeting will be held the third Saturday in August August 21 at 9:30am at Kandiyohi County Park #3. Speakers are being lined up as we write. Colliform bacteria testing kits will be available at the meeting but you only need to test every 3 years if you passed recently. Last year we ran 57 tests with 7 positives. Of those 7, only one failed the second time. Those interested must contact Kathy Flaata ahead of time so that she may arrange the kits, as well as the pick up and drop off.
The weed cutters collectively had 43 hours of duty logged as of June 3, with plans to do more before the permit expires June 15. Kathy Flaata thanks all cutters for their help.
If anyone wants a free small boat or jet ski lift call bob Meyerson at work. It is in good condition. If anyone wants a free classified ad, contact same Bob Meyerson (974-8861) for inclusion in the next issue of the News.
May had to be a record month for rain. I don't have any good stories, but if anyone does, or if something meteorological happens in the next few weeks, please inform yours truly, the editor. With proper attribution you will most certainly become famous! You would be surprised who reads this publication: the Kandiyohi County Sheriff, Homeland Security, the Missing Person Bureau!
Last Chance to Go Steady: Our next issue of the News will be publishing a complete list of all paid up dues members. I especially like to see who has been naughty or nice. Upon his request I will be sending Santa a copy; for what purpose I cannot imagine.
New Community Park Store and Office
As you have probably noticed, "we" have a new store and office at County Park #3 (sounds like an old Soviet named it) located on the west side of Diamond Lake. Manager Todd Anderson runs the park as well as the store. The new facility has enabled him to expand his line of food items. In addition to the old standbys of milk, eggs, pop, chips, ice and ice cream, he now carries a line of meats from Wick's of Kandiyohi: jerky, brats, hotdogs, breakfast and wild rice sausage, and hamburgers. If you have unexpected company, you can run over to the store for additional provisions. He also has bait and tackle, and gas for boats (but not at the store for that you need to go to the North Breeze Resort at the south eastern side of the lake). Sorry, he does not carry videos but he does welcome suggestions for new items to carry (974-8520).
There is one thing Todd does not welcome, and that is garbage. Some people think they can toss their waste in his dumpster. They can't! In face, IT IS ILLEGAL TO DUMP YOUR GARBAGE AT THE COUNTY PARK. One repeat offender was reported to Kandiyohi County authorities and was fined $1,500! If you are a weekend resident at a loss of what to do with your waste, call West Central Sanitation at 235-7630. They will provide special bags on a seasonal, partial or on-call basis. And by the way, the prohibition of garbage dumping extends to limbs and weeds, which some rude residents have dumped at the Park.
Of course, Todd's main reason for being is the campgrounds. If you have guests or friends interested, they had better call at least a week in advance for a week's stay (974-8520). Fourth of July actually filled up by mid-February. Todd welcomes postings on his bulletin board for local activities, for profit or non campground guests look for a variety of local things to do, especially when the weather is bad. Maybe there's an opportunity here for some enterprising group or business.
Weed Cutting Permit by Joan Schultz
The DLARA receive a permit from the DNR to cut curly leaf pondweed in a restricted area of the northeast bay of Diamond Lake. This permit expires on June 15, 2004. THERE IS TO BE NO CUTTING BY PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS AFTER THIS DATE. THE WEED CUTTERS MAY NOT BE LOANED TO PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS UNLESS A PERMIT IS ONTAQINED FOR THAT SPECIFIC AREA. Property owners who feel there is a curly leaf problem in other areas of Diamond Lake may apply for a permit for their area by applying to the DNR office in Spicer. There is a fee to obtain a permit (last year it was $250; this year it is $750). We need volunteers on the north and west sides of the bay to help cut by their property. Depending on the rate of growth, we plan to cut on Saturday morning, May 22 and June 5, 2004. Please call Kathy Flaata (974-8535) to offer assistance.
What Have We Done For You Lately?
A careful reading of this News will reveal that we have a very effective Association. Ten years ago we embarked on an effort to improve conditions in the watershed. While we can debate whether or not we have made any progress, we cannot debate the fact that we have been hugely successful in obtaining grant money to address problem areas. In fact, a big reason why residents of another lake are trying to form a watershed district (which will include us, whether we like it or not) is that they have been unable to acquire the funding that we have.
But it takes money to get money, and to continue our efforts when the well of grants runs dry at the end of this year, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are an entirely volunteer organization. We also happen to be the only organized group devoted exclusively to the betterment of Diamond Lake. Please do your part by contributing $25.00 for your annual dues. We will publish a list of paid up members by the end of the year. Those (and only those) who contribute are eligible to receive a copy of our 2003 Lake Directory listing all residents alphabetically and geographically just let us know if you need one (everyone should have received a copy last year, and we only have a few left). You may also be eligible for other occasional benefits, such as the lakescape video or the underwater video of Diamond Lake produced by limnologist Steve McComas. To pay your dues send a check for $25.00 made out to Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association (or DLARA). Thank you for your help! Mail to:
Jon Hanson, Treasurer
Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association
15375 NE 75th Ave
Atwater, MN 56209