Missile Lane
Annual Meeting: June 11, 9:30 am, Lower Shelter House, Community Park!
One question raised by a number of people at the August hearing on the Aquatic Plant Management Project was, Has the effect of the sewer installation on phosphorous loading been measured since the sewer was installed. According to Margaret Anderson, Administrator of the Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District, it takes several years of results before this can be determined because “there can be different wet years and dry years, water levels, weather, etc., that affect the water quality naturally.” She might have added that there are also differences over time in land development, farming practices and unanticipated events and other invasives too. An analysis will be done after the other parts of the implementation plan to restore water quality have been completed.
Although surveyor stakes have been sighted along the County #4 Bypass project, implementation of the 5-year capital improvement plan is still in the planning stafe, according to county engineer and Diamond Lake resident Mel Odens. Your ace reporter for this Diamond Lake News will be sure (OK, mostly sure) to keep you updated on any developments.
One local wag has suggested that what with zebra mussels and Eurasian Water Milfoil now found in Green Lake, and Starry Stonewart in Lake Koronis, Diamond Lake is moving to the top of the list of desirable area lakes. And with a certain presidential candidate promising to build a wall around our lake we should be able to keep it Simon pure for years to come. Right?
A local gadfly has suggested licensing trained service providers at boat storage facilities so that they can tag boats that come out of lake A and go back into lake A so that they don’t have to undergo decontamination if they have already done so.
Scofflaws watch out! From the DNR: Starting this boating season anyone found guilty of violating Minnesota’s aquatic invasive specifies laws will not only have to pay the required fines but will also have to complete mandatory training.” And if this were Puritan New England you would be branded with a big letter S on your forehead (although, nowadays that might be considered fashionable). Remember: “Clean aquatic plants and prohibited invasive species from watercraft; Drain lake or river water from all equipment and keep drain plugs out during transport, and Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash, not in the water.
Open House at the Harvest Bank—Kandiyohi Office (nah, we don’t call it a store) to celebrate the expansion project, June 9th 3-7pm. Music by Ronnie & Judy Hedtke, followed by Crow River Junction. Also food, games, prizes and a 6pm toast. All ages welcome.
Kandi is Dandy Days, June 9-11. Friday night, fundraising supper for The Hiliter, music by Kingery Family Singers; Saturday parade @ 11:30. Atwater Festival Days, June 17-18. Friday night Kiddie Parade @ 6:30; Saturday parade @ 2:00 (check times to be sure). Other events as well for both towns.
WANTED, 2-3 reliable persons to serve as Director on the DLARA (Diamond Lake Area Recreational Board). Help keep your lake healthy. Contact any Board Director noted on the back page.
Flushing and Grinding
by Colleen Thompson, Superintendent, GLSSWD
By now you should have received the May 2, 2016 GLSSWD (District) letter describing the FLushing and Grinder Station Preventiative Maintenance Plan. Phase 2 will focus primarily on educational material for homeowners and Lake Associations; on how to care and troubleshoot the grinder staation and what not to put down the sewer. Some of this information such as an Annual Cleaning and Inspection Rountine, Troubleshooting Maintenance Guide and a list of homeowner responsibilities can be found on the County website www.co.kandiyohi.mn.us. Go to top system line and click on Public Works; select Grinder Station Information. If you do not have internet service, contact me and I can mail you the information.
As a reminder the 5 year warranty period for the grinder pup, basin & controls expires on November 1, 2016. I look forward to serving GLSSWD. Office number is 320-796-4523; email is colleen.thompson@co.kandiyohi.mn.us.
From the President's Chair
by Harlan Meints, President DLARA
Well another winter has passed and Sherrie and I have returned from spending 5½ months in Mercedes, Texas. This is a town between McAllen and Brownsville Texas and 5 miles north of Mexico. Our park has 1200 sites in it and is a gated community. Weather was very nice there this year. The best part was returning home and not finding any damage to our shoreline from ice movement. We have had damage 2 of the last five years.
I would like to thank all of you who have paid your dues. A list of paid members is included in this issue. All added comments when dues are paid are greatly appreciated. Following is a summary of the items that were added to your returned dues letter.
The weed project is now under way with the DNR inspecting the lake for curlyleaf pond weed locations that can be treated. The DNR informed us that there was only 1 plot of 15 acres on the northeast bay we can treat. This area is to be treated May 16th. Cost to treat the lake will be shared by all lake residents. DLARA has applied to AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) committee in Kandiyohi County to help cover some of this cost, but we have not heard back from them at this time.
A side story about invasive species: Lake Koronis near Panyesville has discovered starry stonewort algae infecting there lake. So far this is the only lake in MN that has been affected. The algae have been found along the entire shore line in depth up to 20 feet. Estimated cost for treatment is $800,000 over five years. What will show up next, who knows!!
The tri lakes project by Ducks Unlimited to draw down Hubbard, Schultz and Wheeler lakes is all set to commence, but they are still waiting for final approval from the Corp of Engineers. Getting approval from landowners, township, county agencies, state water groups, DNR, and the federal groups take time. Hopefully construction will begin this fall.
DLARA annual meeting will be held Saturday June 11TH at 9:30 at the county park at the lower shelter house. Coffee, donuts, speakers, and election of directors will take place. Everyone is invited to attend, but only paid up member are allowed to vote on items that need approving by the group.
Membership is very good on our lake, over 73%, which is a lot better that other lakes in the area. Haven’t paid dues yet? Not too late, just $25 to improve the quality of Diamond Lake life.
Directories are available on line on the lake web site. If don’t have access to internet stop at 14249 Breezy Pt. Rd. to pick one up. www.diamondlakemn.com
One question I received was concerning boats traveling close to shore and docks .Jet skis are to travel 150 ft from shore unless docking or landing. The DNR has no set distances for boats in Kandiyohi County. If you are having a major issue, contact the DNR office in Spicer. 320-796-2161
A question was raised about farm runoff into the lake. DLARA has no control over what the farmers in the area do, most farmers try to control the erosion of land from their property. DLARA does help the Watershed District with co-pay to farmers who put in structure to control erosion. Lake property owner also need to control the runoff of materials into the lake. Fund are available from the Watershed District and DLARA to help pay for up to 85% of the cost of these projects.
Watershed # 320-796-0888
Weeds can be treated around you dock area, but a permit is need from the DNR. The company (PLM) that does the lake spraying also would do private areas with the DNR permit.
PLM # 218-270-333
Question about decrease in fish numbers and stocking of the lake. The DNR does gill netting on the lake yearly. Walleyes eggs have been taken from Diamond since 2000 for use in the local fish hatchery. The adults females were immediately were returned to the lake. 6% of the hatched fry (1.29 million) were stocked back into Diamond Lake, normally only about 1 to 2 percent live. Fingerling walleyes were also stocked in the lake last year. Fishing has been slow because of the large numbers of bait fish available for walleye to feed on.
Bass fish is growing in this area and with this more fishermen are fishing around and under docks and lake structures. The lake is the property of all people of MN and fishermen can cast around the docks. Hopefully these fishermen will respect your property. If you have a Problem still, contact the DNR.
We will provide a bigger envelope for the returning of dues and letter this fall.
Speed limits around the lake are set by the county, state and township. DLARA has no say over what the limits are. We have talked to the county and township about lowering of the speed limits, at this time nothing has been done.
The project to move the road on the east side of the park to the west side is stilling in the planning stages. Surveying crews have been around the park looking at alternatives for the location of said road. With the way the legislators are providing funding for transportation construction date has not been set. Will try to have Harlan Madsen, county commissioner, at the annual meeting to discuss issue
Jane Richards is interested in producing a DLARA cook book. If you have a desire to help organize this contact Jane at 15040 49th St. NE Atwater.
A question was raised about using credit cards to pay DLARA dues. After looking in to this it would be cost prohibitive.
Have a great summer on the lake and be safe. Drain and clean you boat to prevent spread of invasive species. Reminder Green Lake has Zebra mussels. Inspectors will be at area lakes this summer to inspect boats to try to prevent the spread of the organism.
Hubbard, Shultz and Wheeler Chain of Lake Project - Moving Forward!
The final stages of project planing are in the works currently for the Chain of Lakes project. Through ative water level management shallow lakes can be managed to persist in a clear water healthy condition, whereas deteriorated, turbid water conditions provides little benefit. Such big and intricate projects require loads of permits from different agencies; US Army Corps of Engineers, MN Dept of Natural Resources Ecological Waters and MN Historical Society-Historical Preservation Office to name the big ones. Project partners are waiting to hear back about these permits in order to move forward with project biding and contractor selection.
Moving forward, Ducks Unlimited and the MN Dept of Natural Resources will continue working with the Middle For Crow River Watershed District, the DLARA and other partners to construct the project. Contact our office with questions: 320-796-0888.
Diamon Lake Subwatershed -
Agricultrual Conservation Practices Funding
According to a water quality study conduted by the MN Poluution Control Agency (MPCA), Diamon Lake contains excess levels of phosphorous. This impairment has large effects on water quality of Diamond Lake. Grant funding has become available to landowners within the Diamon Lake subwatershed. Landowners interested in implementing projects to improve water quality can participate in a cost-share program with funding provided by Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment, Clean Water Funs. Eligible projects include field side inlets, alternative tile intakes, buffer strips, wetlad restorations, saturated and other best management practices. $111,000 total grand dollars are available. Contact staff at the District Office 320-796-0888.