Missle Lane
Lloyd B. Hovey Memorial Golf Tournament for the benefit of the Atwater Help for Seniors. Saturday, July 20, Island Pine Golf Course in Atwater. Registration begins at 9am for a 10am shotgun start. $60/person includes 18 holes, cart, gift bag and box lunch. Prizes and games on every hole. Call Josh at 320 974-8600. Register by July 16 to guarantee a golf cart.
July 4th Boat Parade, Saturday, July 6th @ 1 pm. Line up south of the swimming beach by Community Park. Decorations are encouraged by not a requirement. Fun for the whole family. THIS IS NOT AN ASSOCIATION SPONSORED EVENT. Any questions please contact Brenda Negen, 320 295-6060.
The Association Board would like to thank now former Directors Gordy Behm and Millie Wheeler for their past service. New Directors elected at the June 15 Annual Meeting include Jeff Gertgen, Tom Hayden and Lee Mammen. Welcome!
Please note: NO FISHING OFF LANDING DOCKS! This is inconsiderate of people trying to launch or remove their boats. It also creates a hazard to both boaters and those fishing. Make sure your kids know about this.
While we are at it, please keep grass clippings out of the lake. 1 pound of clippings translates to 20 pounds of algae, according to Harlan Meints. One idea: aim your first 2 pass discharges away from the lake.
If still have a septic tank and are looking for a pumping service Josh Schumacher, a 12-year veteran of the business, is striking out on his own. Schu’s Pumping Service @ 320 298-1154.
County Road #4 Plans Just Released
Try accessing the following for the latest update: https://.youtube.com/watch?v=os1pjcdEwig.
Would you say that 800 miles of road is a tad more than we need? Shouldn’t leave a little road on the table for Duinnick and Central Specialties so that they have work lined up for next year? Many thanks to the inimitable George Lake Bonnie Nelson for leaking this information. Also try (For another take on the plans for County #4 see also China-Pakistan Highway)
The Rest is History
by Tim Groshens, Harlan Meints
The Diamond Lakeshore Association brings together those of us who live around the lake to work for the common good of improving the quality of lake life. We have a long and proud tradition of working together on lake improvements and we can be proud of the percent of lakeshore residents who are members and supporters of the Lakeshore Association.
At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, we discussed the changes we have seen at the lake over the last 20 years or so. Here is a list of the changes that came to mind:
Initiated the designation of Dog Fish Bay as a No Wake zone
Financially supported environmental studies at ACGC
Paid for water test by the Watershed District
Recruited volunteers to collect water samples and readings
Represented Diamond Lake interests at meetings of organizations such as the County, DNR, Watershed, and Ducks Unlimited
Purchased an aerator for use by lake residents
Sponsored two carp bow tournaments
Placed signs at the accesses about invasive species and no- wake zones
Maintained membership in Minnesota Lakes & Rivers to protect our interest at the Capitol
Offered a rain barrel drawing
Maintained a web site with current and historic information
Helped finance rain gardens and erosion projects
Helped install two fire hydrants
Supported construction of sewer system
Supported construction of a fish barrier on inlet to regulate carp movement
Worked with DNR, County, Watershed and Duck Unlimited to revitalize the chain of lakes that empty into Diamond Lake to reduce phosphorus inflow
Promoted reconstruction of east lake access
Paid for dumpsters at both access
Provided phosphorus free fertilizer
Subsidized pumping septic units
Urged passage of weed control measure so all owners pay the cost of weed control
Provide Diamond Lake News free of charge to all in the Watershed
Cooperated with the Watershed District to monitor water quality in the lake
Organize an informative Annual Meeting with knowledgeable speakers
The Lakeshore Association is not solely responsible for these improvements and in some cases, we were only a minor player. However, we served as the voice of the residents, constantly urging an improved quality of life for the residents of Diamond Lake. Other significant players that we owe for these advancements include the County of Kandiyohi, the Watershed District, the DNR, Ducks Unlimited, and the Green Lake Sanitary District and individual landowners.
We are now at the stage of looking for The Next Big Idea(s). The question to all readers is “What projects should the Lakeshore Association focus on for the next three to five years.”
The Board began asking this question at a recent meeting and continued at the June annual meeting. Some of the ideas suggested include:
Build Little Libraries on the new walking paths.
Install benches on the new walking path
Develop an annual 5k race around the lake
Sponsor weekly summertime concerts with local talent performing
Create a Facebook community to share information
Provide more rain barrel giveaways
Increase cooperative effort with farmers to limit runoff
Share your ideas or comment on the above. Our mission is to improve the quality of life around the lake. We have financial resources. We have great partners in the form of the County, Watershed District, and others. We have great members. What we need is your ideas.
To comment on one of these ideas or suggest a new one, send an email to Harlan Meints, hmeints61@hotmail.com