Lead Article
Minnesota’s state bird, the common loon, faces many threats. Shoreline disturbance, excessive wakes during nesting season, boat collisions and natural predation by eagles, muskies, large northern and mink, fishers, fox and pine marten. Swans and other waterfowl are also impacted. But two of the biggest are oil pollution from the Deep Water Horizon catastrophe. Thousands of Minnesota’s loons were impacted during their winter migration. Lead fishing tackle which loons and other waterfowl ingest thinking it is gravel for digestion, pose a significant threat.
This year, using funds from the Deep Water Horizon settlement, the MN Pollution Control Agency is rolling out its Get the Lead Out program to encourage anglers to turn in their toxic lead tackle in exchange for free non-lead alternatives. The objective of the Get the Lead Out! Program is to prevent loon deaths and increase adult survival rates by reducing exposure of common loons to lead through advocacy of intervention activities that promote the use of non-toxic fishing tackle in Minnesota.
Lead poisoning, resulting from ingestion of lead fishing tackle is recognized as one of the leading causes of death in breeding common loons, and ingestion of lead fishing tackle has been found to be the cause of death in 10 to 20 percent of MN loons. Studies indicate that replacing lead fishing sinkers and jigs with non-toxic alternatives provide immediate benefits to loon populations. Get the Lead Out! A program facilitated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency hopes to provide a proactive educational and assistance program that encourages Minnesota anglers, retailers, tackle manufacturers, nonprofits and schools to use environmentally friendly non-lead fishing tackle Some program activities are lead tackle exchanges, providing retailer point of purchase displays, and presenting / tabling events.
Because lake associations have such deep ties to their local communities, including angling tournaments, town festivals and other events, are uniquely positioned to lead on this effort There are numerous opportunities for partnership with GRLO through hosting one of the following events: tackle exchange, education/outreach, and sport shows. If there are any opportunities not listed above that you would like to partner with us on please contact us.
This spring, the MPCA and Minnesota Lakes and Rivers hosted an hour long webinar on the topic. A recording is available to view on MLR’s website at www.mnlakesanddrivers.org.
Contact: Noelle Hitz and Alero Moju MN Green Corps Members
Email: hitz@state.mn.us and alero.moju@state.mn.us
For more information and to sign up for the program and partnering with MPCA, go to:
To sign up to host and event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAlpQLfGlpikkRqzH3w3yu0MKds5wpcsi2asVdSUnmnsSXjetkdCBg/viewform?usp=sf_link
For more information:
The MPCA’s Get The Lead Out! Campaign is a Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) project. The work is being paid for with funds provided by BP as part of a 2016 settlement agreement with federal and state governments to compensate the public for injuries to natural resources and recreational use caused by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Thank You
After 13 years of serving as President of DLARA Harv Meints stepped down this year. He will continue as a member of the Board at least until his current term ends and longer if we can talk him into it. One of the many strengths Harv brought to the office was his ability to connect the lake association with entities that impact the lake. Whether it was the Watershed District, one of the County offices, the DNR, the Sheriff’s office, or other lake associations Harv spend hours attending meetings and developing connections that benefited Diamond Lake.
The lake has changed a lot in the last 13 years; new roads have been built, sewer installed, Hubbard Lakes drawdown, the park rebuilt, and invasive species discovered and threatened. In these changes and others, Harv made certain DLARA’s voice was heard and our influence felt.
Harv devoted many hours to improving the quality of life around Diamond Lake. He steps down leaving the association in a place of strength, with strong board of directors and one of the highest memberships of any lake association.
And all of us around the lake owe him a debt of gratitude. So as you are driving around the lake this summer and see Harv siting in his garage, waive and say hi!
We would be remiss if we did not also recognize Harv’s wife, Sheri Meints, who has supported the association in so many ways. She helped organize all of the Board meetings as well as the annual meeting. She backstopped our Treasurer, and always kept Harv on track. Thank you, Sheri!
Separate call out: Diane Rivard, DLARA Treasurer and Becky Rickleffs, Secretary are both stepping down this year from their offices. They have done outstanding work for the association and we thank them for their past service
Answers to Your Questions
1. If you would like to look in joining a group looking to put benches and such around the new lake road contact Pat Buboltz at buboltz@mchsi.com. Thanks to the committee for the work they have done so far.
2. The lake newsletters can be found on the web site which is maintained by Judy Christensen who is doing a great job of keeping the site up to date: www.diamondlakemn.com
> newsletters
3. The board does not have access to every resident’s e-mail address and not everyone uses a computer so we mail out the newsletters.
4. Again!! We cannot control what areas we spray for weeds. This is determined by the DNR and requires a permit from them. We cannot spray native plant growth only invasive types. Spraying has to be done within a certain time frame before the water reaches a certain temperature each spring. This year we are spraying, with a DNR permit, 84.5 acres at a cost of $78,038.59. The Association received a grant of $9,000 from the Kandiyohi County AIS Committee to help fund invasive species control. The rest of the cost comes from funds
that all lake resident pay yearly to the watershed district.
5.The board has applied for invasive plant-control grants from the DNR but we have never received one. If anyone would like to take on this project just let me know.
6. I believe that information for the boat parade over the July Fourth holiday was delivered around the lake at least one week by the person organizing the event. Information was also place in the County Park 3 Office.
7. Sewer connection rates are determined by the Glacial Lakes Sanitary Sewer board. The lake has one representative on this board.
8. The board has no control over boat and Jet Ski traffic on the lake. If you have problems contact the local DNR or the county sheriffs with you problem. Also the person to contact about appearance of lots and such on the lake is county zoning in Willmar.
9. The lake association uses the dues monies we receive only on projects that the board deems will enhance the lake. If concerned, how funds are spent, come to the board meetings or better yet join the board. We are looking for new members.
10. DNR wardens in this area have a large number of lakes to cover. More so, since their funding has been cut. DLARA has no control over this. If you have specific problems and information to back them up, not hearsay, contact the DNR.
11. The Lake’s dam was installed years ago to help regulate lake levels. The board has pictures of garden’s being grown on the sandy beach. Water levels were 50 feet or more out from the shore. The dam was built by the county and controlled by the county and the DNR. There is talk of constructing a new dam, but funds at this
time are lacking.
12. DLARA has no control over any fishing regulation on Diamond Lake. The lakes in Minnesota are owned by the state and the DNR sets the regulations. If you are concerned about these regulations contact the DNR fishery office in Spicer, or your legislator
After 13 years as president of DLARA I am turning the control over to younger leadership. Thanks to all lake residents for your help and support over the years. DLARA is one of the best lake associations in the state. We have a larger percentage of members to total residents than any other association in the area. DLARA is financially sound thanks to the association members. Thanks for the memories and continue to support DARLA!
Harlan A. Meints
Education Project
We are in the early stages of working on our education project now. Is there any information that help to better understand the lake shore owners’ interest in lake preservation?
Here are a few samples of questions we are thinking about
- Are you a member of the Diamond Lake association? Y/N
-How long have you lived on Diamond Lake?
-Who do you think helps to monitor and maintain the quality of Diamond Lake?
-Are you aware that Diamond lake does not met a MPCA requirement standard for water quality? Y/N
-- If yes, what impairments are you aware of?
-Would you be willing to take action/ install best management practices on you land to minimalize the impacts for the long-term water quality of Diamond Lake?
-Are you enrolled in a Lawn Care Program through a contractor, or have your own lawn care fertilizer/herbicide practices? Y/N
--If yes can you name the contractor or your lawn management practices.
-How long have you used Diamond Lake for recreation (Fishing or leisure sport)?
-Are you aware how a lakes water quality can affect the lakeshore property value?
- Do you use or know someone that uses a weed rake for the shoreline?
[Andy was hired part time as an MF employee, part of a 2-yr grant to help complete the MPCA’s 10 year Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy plan for the entire North Fork Crow River Watershed otherwise known as WRAPS. He has always liked spending as much time out in nature as possible and became aware of the importance of clean water after his family’s well water became polluted, undrinkable. Wanting a career change from his previous jobs he enrolled and received his BS in Environmental Studies from SCSU in 2018. He worked as an intern for the North Fork Crow River Watershed District before being hired by the Middle Fork to help with the WRAPS report in July 2019].
Missle Lane
ANNUAL MEETING - Due to the pandemic the meeting will not be held as usual. Instead it is being pushed forward to the third Saturday in August, Aug. 15. Association Director Eric Hohman says he will stand on the beach at Community Park with a bullhorn and people can maintain social distance while attending, maybe even from watercraft. There may be more to report about this in our next newsletter issue.
Many thanks to Harlan “Harv” Meints for 13 years of service as Association President. He has taken on the responsibility of attending County, DNR and subcontractor meetings, as well as applying for grants, arranging the Annual Meeting, helping assemble the newsletter, and hosting (with his wife Sherry) Director meetings at their home, and probably much else as well. Harv will remain on the Board at least thru next year. See Tim Groshens’ article inside. Tim Groshens was elected President in his place. We also need volunteer Board members to pick up the treasurer and secretary
duties at the Annual Meeting.
According to the Kandiyohi
County Highway Department, Central Specialties, Inc. has the contract for the last 1.5” of pavement
on County Roads 4, 26 and 28. They plan to start around the middle of May with a contract completion date of July 1, but could finish earlier. Duinnick Inc. has the trail project, contract completion date of June 27, 80% federally funded. Word on the street is that after 2 years a special ceremony marking completion will be held, attended by Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, with a special appearance by the Boogie Man.
Pat Buboltz writes: Are you interested in donating a bench with your family name engraved on it or that of a loved one? Watch for more information (maybe even photos) in our July newsletter or contact Pat at buboltz507@gmail.com, or 507-640-1610.
Kandi is Dandy Days, mostly cancelled. For more information see the Kandi Highlighter
available on Facebook (never use the stuff myself) at www.facebook.com/Kandiyohihighlighter.
Atwater Festival Days, no word yet; City Council will decide after newsletter goes to publication.
Know why you shouldn’t flush any type of wipes down the toilet? Here’s why, courtesy of Roto Rooter: https://youtu.be/CTdiL3TP14Y(don’t know why there is a dot between tu and be); lots of other good toilet information videos follow. Great for when things around home get really slow, enhanced by your favorite drink.
The list of Paid Up Due Members will be published in our July 4th newsletter, so you still have time to send your in $25 to our treasurer, Diane Dalton-Rivard (14259 Breezy Pt. Rd Atwater MN 56209) before your nosey neighbor scours the list to see if you paid. If you have any questions please contact Sherrie Meints at 507 220-5195. As of May 9 we have 257 paid up members meaning 63 (68?) have not joined. Let’s get that number down to 50(?) 25(?) before July 4th! The Association works hard on your behalf, pandemic or not. There is no other organization devoted strictly and entirely to Diamond Lake. Thank you in advance.
Our lake association owns a Weed Roller (not a seed roller!) and a Lawn Aerator. If you would like to see it stop by Harlan Meints’ home at 14249 Breezy Point Rd—seems I’ve seen that same name before.
Frontier Communications has upgraded internet functionality to 25 gigabytes or higher. Cost depends on whether you also subscribe to their cable TV, which speed you choose, and whether the fiber optic cable is brought directly into the house. This is quite an improvement over the 3-5 gigs previously available. There may be other options as well. For more information you can call them at 800 921-8101.