Annual Meeting Notes
June 15, 2024
Jon Morales, Watershed District
A lot of land drains toward Diamond contributing to a higher level of nutrients than otherwise would be the case. Phosphorous is a b ig culprit. Curly leaf pondweed is an unusual plant invasive in that it grows under the ice in winter, completes its life cycle in early July and then releases more phosphorous. Easiest mitigation is to slow the water inflow as 35% comes from the Chain of Lakes. Nano bubbles may help but one device costs $400,000. Look up Elsinore Lake, CA for where it has been tried. Also being tried locally in Atwater's Tad Lake. Results are TBD.
Brian Nelson, Nest Lake
Nest Lake became infested with curly leaf in the 80's. Crappies died off. Some areas became almost impassable. So they bought and rebuilt a used Mudcat Harvester with amazing results. It goes 5 feet down and 12 feet wide for use by paid up dues member properties. No more algae blooms. Native plants have returned with a vengeance. Got a low interest loan from MN PCA to purchase at approximately $50,000. They cut from June 1 to Labor Day to nip curly leaf turions in the bud, and budget up to $50,000 per year to service loan and pay harvesters. The key to success: having good, committed people to maintain and do the work and store it over winter!
To see what you pay for lake improvement see item 136 on your tax statement.
Looking to contribute $500 towards a removable $7,800 AED defibrillator at Community Park.
Paid up membership:260 out of 375 spots around the lake. Drought can weaken other trees and
Minnesota resident lifetime
Purchase a lifetime license for yourself or as
a gift to someone else
Did you know that the MN DNR sells lifetime fishing licenses for residents? The cost of these licenses is tiered based on age. Once purchased, you can renew every year for free,
even if you are no longer a resident of the state of Minnesota.
This is an excellent gift for the little ones in your life. To purchase, visit the MN DNR website and download an application. Rates are determined based on the age of the licensee as of the date the application is received. The current cost for a full-year fishing license in Minnesota is $71. At that rate, the license will pay for itself in less than 5 years.
3 and under
4-15 $469
16-50 $574
51+ $379
MIssile Lane
41st Newsletter Anniversary!
: Sunday, July 7
th also at the Community Park Shelter. Hope to have Marc Haenand his Heinous Bandmates once again, plus some food trucks. More to come later.
Commodore Brenda Negen will be leading the
Boat Parade
from Community Park on Saturday, July 6 @ 1pm. Be respectful, stay in line until the end, don’t throw anything at the Shore Gawkers, and dress up as Hessian Soldiers or Washington Crossing Diamond Lake.
Repeat: According to Minnesota Lakes & Rivers, 2022 Annual Report, “
Loons are dying from lead poisoning, entanglement in discarded fishing line, or killed as chicks when they are washed out of their nests by boat wakes.” Please, do not use lead sinkers.
Lloyd & Darleen Hovey Memorial Golf Tournament
to benefit Atwater Area Help for Seniors will be held Saturday, July 20
th , 2024 at Island Pine Golf Course, 1601 Wyoming Avenue, Atwater. 4-person scramble with tee times starting at 8am. Contact Josh to register @ or 320-974-8600. $65 per person/$260 foursome includes 18 holes, cart, gift bag, box lunch. $10,000 Hole-in-One competition, hole contests, prizes & raffles.
Atwater Area Help for Seniors Community Dinner on Sunday, August 18
th serving 11—1pm at the Atwater Community Center. Atwater Area Help for Seniors Health & Wellness Expo Tuesday, September 17th from 9 to 12 noon at Atwater Community Center. Flu shot clinic available 9—11am. Visit with a variety of vendors with valuable resource information, blood pressure checks, door prizes, and snacks.
Anybody notice the
Knome House
on the south side of Diamond, just after 49th? If you whistle a happy tune and quietly ask for Mr. Nisse from Middle Earth he may come out. but if you are off key you may get Billy Goaf Gruff instead.